Tuesday, May 27, 2008

New Adventures

I have been running for so many years it is really second nature to me and I don't put alot of thought into getting dressed and going out for a run...that may be why I love working with newer runners and seeing them catch the bug and be excited as they hit each new running milestone...whether that be an enjoyable run in the rain or snow...hitting double digit miles for the first time..completing their first race...1/2 marathon...full marathon.

Now that I have started training to do my first triathlon...I am back on the other side of the road....I am the newbie...I am enjoying hitting those new milestones....learning something new witrh every workout...I did not know that they hand you water bottles at the bike aid stations..I thought i would have to stop and grab a cup of water or sports drink...water bottles sounds much better...riding my bike more and more miles...doing my first 20 miler...30 miler ....and this weekend a 60 miler followed immediately by a 45 minute run...after doing each of these combo workouts...they are aptly named "bricks"... that is exactly how your legs feel for the first couple miles....they hit but they hurt so good!!!! You know that you have been working hard during and especially after you finish...my quads have NEVER hurt they way they did this weekend....but I kept walking and did an intense workout on the muscles with "the Stick" and felt much better.....

Then yesterday another awakening moment for me....riding back from the Ridgewood Run (just watched did not run)...we ( I rode down with Andrea) reached the final hill and I had to clip out of my pedals because of the traffic light...two failed attempts to clip back in and two falls...the second worse than the first...a skinned and sore knee and elbow together with total embarrassment created a new adventure on the bike...some of the adventures and milestones are positive some negative...some embarrassing...but all are lessons learned...and then being a former competitive swimmer I thought the swimming would be a piece of cake...WRONG...a 1/2 mile swim in my new wetsuit was a learning experience and a wake up call...I will be slower than I thought in the swim leg....

What is the new lesson and adventure...only time will tell and that may be today..may be next week...who knows???

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