Monday, March 31, 2008


I was reminded this past week why I love running and coaching with Team in Training. I was minding my own business and trying to get through my food shopping at Shop Rite in Oakland...for those of you that have been there...the floor plan was laid out by a blind man...sorry that is an insult to blind people...a blind person would have laid it out much better....there are a series of horizontal and vertical aisles that run into each other and one wrong turn and it can take me 10 minutes to find my way back....I have a full shopping cart loaded heavy and high....on a side not when I preach that you must hydrate I practice what I preach...the 40 or so bottles of gatoraade that were in the cart will back that up....I was focused on getting the last few items that I needed and was hoping for a short cehckout line and then a mad dash for the was not to be...I was stopped dead in my tracks and asked whether I ran with Team in Training...some total stranger had apparently seen me many times running with the Team ( Duck Pond I guess) and had all sorts of questions for me and then finished by saying that it had to be very rewarding....and although I always have it in my head that it really is ....this kind lady reminded me that there is nothing better than the feeling I get over and over seeing the smile or the tears of joy when someone crosses their first half or full marathon finishline....the running stories I tell most (other than those where I have done something dopey) are about those finishline I enjoy remembering my own races and adventures .... sure I get excited to meet an elite athlete, like Tegla Laroupe ( 2 or3 time NYCM winner), Frank Shorter (Olympic Gold and Silver medalist), Matt Downin (worked for my friend at Ridgewood Cycle), Bill Rodgers (Millrose games 2005) i remember the good and bad in many of my races...yes.....BUT there is nothing like the memories of running with Claire Talarico and Noelle at the Nike Marathon 2 x's; Melissa and her running buddy Doreen at Nike; Eric D at Va Beach; Tamara Lynch at PF Changs with tears streaming down both of our faces for the last 1.2 miles and it goes on and on....I won't lie and say that I would not give up those memories for any amount of money in the world because I want to make a living someday as a running coach but it would not be a cheap sale to give up those memories....Here's to hundreds more memories .....

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Jenny's Mileage Report

This is the link to the entire thread in the discussion group

This is Jenny's Report:

For those asking how do you run 200 miles in a week. The answer: very carefully.

The 200 mile week: Not recommended for beginners or for even veterans who value their sanity. But yes it is possible, and no I'm not even the first person to do it. Many have done them before me, I'm sure. (But maybe I'm the first person with Hodgkin's Disease to do it?)

Cliff's Notes Version: I ran 214.0 miles in 7 days.

They shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk, not faint.

Really long version:

This is not your usual "race" report as I didn't wear a number and didn't compete with anyone (except myself, if that counts)! I came up with the idea of trying to run 200 miles in a week back in November. 200 miles is 28.57 miles per day. I picked out this week back when I hatched the idea in my head because it was the week I turn 28 years old.

This idea also partly came out of my competitive streak. I remain frustrated with my right lung's inability to let me train hard. So I figured if I couldn't run fast, I could see how long I could go. So this became a personal race, a personal distance and endurance test with my self.

Unfortunately, last week I had some problems with my lungs and chest, so I had no idea whether my idea was still plausible. I debated pushing it back (especially when I saw the weather forecast), but when my doctor ok'd the attempt, I decided to give it a try.

By the way, I did work 20 hours this week (I'm working part-time as an attorney).

Monday 3/3

1. 28.80 miles in 4:35 @ 7:00 AM. 50 degrees, sunny, beautiful.
2. 12.80 miles in 1:55 @ 1:00 PM. 60 degrees, sunny, gorgeous.

Highlight (lowlight?) of the day: It was nice of God to give me such a splendid day for my birthday, even if it was a tad windy. Honestly, even if I wasn't attempting this crazy stunt, it would have been a shame not to spend most of the day outside.

Daily Miles: 41.60
Weekly Total: 41.60
Miles to Run: 158.40

Tuesday 3/4

1. 21.25 miles in 3:15 @ 6:30 AM. 30 degrees, cold, windy, wet.
2. 13.00 miles in 2:05 @ 12:00 PM. 25 degrees, bitter cold, windy, slippery.

Highlight (lowlight?) of the day: Not such a great day. I feel like I ran 41 miles yesterday. The weather turned terrible and even dangerous due to all the ice. Running down by Lake Erie, the wind formed a wall. Moreover, it's hard to eat enough to support this much running. This is turning out to be a lot harder than I thought it would be. I'm trying to bank some miles to build up a cushion. But man oh man is this turning out to be hard.

Daily Miles: 34.25
Weekly Total: 75.85
Miles to Run: 124.15

Wednesday 3/5

1. 16.30 miles in 2:35 @ 7:00 AM. 28 degrees, cold, less wind, lots of slippery snow and ice.
2. 12.50 miles in 1:45 @ 10:30 AM. Treadmill.
3. 03.00 miles in 0:28 @ 7:30 PM. 29 degrees, dark, cold.

Highlight (lowlight?) of the day: The schools are all closed locally and Jenny's out running sixteen miles. I pass the halfway point today. Just under 100 miles to go. It's the end of the world as I know it, and I feel f-i-n-e.

Daily Miles: 31.80
Weekly Total: 107.65
Miles to Run: 92.35

Thursday 3/6

1. 15.40 miles in 2:10 @ 7:00 AM. 30 degrees, cold, some sun, much less wind. Dodging snow piles.
2. 12.00 miles in 1:40 @ 10:30 AM. Treadmill.
3. 08.60 miles in 1:20 @ 3:30 PM. 39 degrees, snow is starting to melt.

Highlight (lowlight?) of the day: Decent running day. Have to go get my port flushed. I find Dr. Spit Take and cheerily yell in his direction in my VERY BEST Aussie accent "G'DAY MATE!" If looks could kill, I would be dead. I tell him my chest still kind of hurts. Dr. Spit Take says he thinks I still may have pleurisy. He begins to drone ... "Pleurisy is inflammation of the pleura. The pleura is the double-layered membrane that surrounds the lungs ..." Jenny stops listening. He thinks I have a plesiosaur in my chest? Isn't that what the Loch Ness monster is/was? Has he been drinking? Have I been drinking? I think all this running is making me delirious.

Daily Miles: 36.00
Weekly Total: 143.65
Miles to Run: 60.65

Friday 3/7

1. 24.40 miles in 3:55 @ 6:00 AM. 27 degrees, cloudy, winter storm begins .... 7 to 14 inches predicted.
2. 08.25 miles in 1:20 @ 11:00 AM. Treadmill.
3. 08.60 miles in 1:25 @ 2:00 PM. 30 degrees, practical blizzard conditions.

Highlight (lowlight?) of the day: Yet another Cleveland snow storm. I am getting really tired of all this snow. Ask Mom and Dad why I couldn't be born in May rather than March. I'm coaxing my legs through the runs by a promise of Monday off. Starting to believe that if you put your mind to something you can do just about anything you want.

Daily Miles: 41.25
Weekly Total: 184.90
Miles to Run: 15.10

Saturday 3/8

1. 12.20 miles in 1:50 @ 7:00 AM. My dad's old treadmill.
2. 09.70 miles in 1:35 @ 12:00 PM. My dad's old treadmill again.

Highlight (lowlight?) of the day: A record setting snow storm for the ages. Seven to fourteen? Try more like twenty inches. Maybe it really is the end of the world!

Daily Miles: 21.90
Weekly Total: 206.80
Miles to Run: ZERO

Sunday 3/9

1. 7.20 miles in 0:59 @ 10:00 AM. On the treadmill.

Highlight (lowlight?) of the day: I'm done, I'm done, I'm done, I'm done, I can take the day off tomorrow.

Daily Miles: 7.20 miles
Weekly Total: 214.00
Miles to Run: ZERO

Why did I settle on 214? I decided once I was going to finish the 200 that I'd tack on the additional 14 because I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Disease on February 14 ... 2/14.

The best part? Finishing and telling the people who sponsored me with a promise of x amount per mile for blood cancer research that I ran 214. I didn't get hurt, but I did get pretty tired.

The worst part? It was really difficult from a psychological standpoint to face having to run 28.8 miles every day. It's really intimidating to think in those terms. I had to take it one day and one run at a time, but I got really obsessed with trying to "get ahead" by running big miles in the beginning of the week rather than an even effort. Not sure I would do that again.

The weather was also bad for parts of the week. I should have been born in May.

Would I do it again? Probably not without a really good reason. That's one reason why I kept running past the 200 point -- I figure this will be my lifetime highest mileage week ever.

Final stats:

Highest Mileage Day: Monday, 41.60 miles.
Lowest Mileage Day: Sunday, 7.20 miles.

Fastest Pace: 7.20 miles at 8:12 pace on Sunday.
Slowest Pace: 8.60 miles at 9:54 pace on Friday.

Longest Single Run: 28.80 miles on Monday morning.
Shortest Single Run: 3.00 miles on Wednesday night.

Total Miles Run: 214.00
Total Time Run: 32 hours, 52 minutes
Average Pace: 9:13/mile

My runs summarized:
1. 28.80 miles in 4:35 @ 7:00 AM. 50 degrees, sunny, beautiful.
2. 12.80 miles in 1:55 @ 1:00 PM. 60 degrees, sunny, gorgeous.
3. 21.25 miles in 3:15 @ 6:30 AM. 30 degrees, cold, windy, wet.
4. 13.00 miles in 2:05 @ 12:00 PM. 25 degrees, bitter cold, windy, slippery.
5. 16.30 miles in 2:35 @ 7:00 AM. 28 degrees, cold, less wind, lots of slippery snow and ice.
6. 12.50 miles in 1:45 @ 10:30 AM. Treadmill.
7. 03.00 miles in 0:28 @ 7:30 PM. 29 degrees, dark, cold.
8. 15.40 miles in 2:10 @ 7:00 AM. 30 degrees, cold, some sun, much less wind. Dodging snow piles.
9. 12.00 miles in 1:40 @ 10:30 AM. Treadmill.
10. 08.60 miles in 1:20 @ 3:30 PM. 39 degrees, snow is starting to melt.
11. 24.40 miles in 3:55 @ 6:00 AM. 27 degrees, cloudy, winter storm begins .... 7 to 14 inches predicted.
12. 08.25 miles in 1:20 @ 11:00 AM. Treadmill.
13. 08.60 miles in 1:25 @ 2:00 PM. 30 degrees, practical blizzard conditions.
14. 12.20 miles in 1:50 @ 7:00 AM. My dad's old treadmill.
15. 09.70 miles in 1:35 @ 12:00 PM. My dad's old treadmill again.
16. 07.20 miles in 0:59 @ 10:00 AM. Treadmill.

Jenny loves to run.
My oncologist did a spit-take when he heard how much I ran.
reflections on running with cancer | My Photo 365 Project

Incredible...Insane...Inspirational...You Choose

I found this short article with a link to the discussion group on RW where it was posted...I am in complete awe of left foot is nagging me over the past two days but after reading this there is no way I am not doing ALL of my training this week....must admit I was slightly emotional reading this given Jenny's battle with Hodgkin's ...hope you have the chance to read this

March 11, 2008
Holy Cow: the 214-Mile Week
How many miles did you run last week? Because a reader named Jenny racked up 214.
No fooling.
Jenny (pictured here) wrote about her mega-mileage week in a thread on our Discussions board. You can read the details -- including a daily mileage breakdown, highlights/lowlights, and notes on the weather -- in Jenny's thread, here. You may want to print this out and tack it up somewhere prominent; next time you consider skipping an after-work five-miler, just glance at it. Then put your damn shoes on.
Reactions to Jenny's feat, in a separate Discussions thread, include the following, and we quote:
"Holy mackerel!"
"Holy Crap"
"I was wondering who took all my miles. Wowzers."
"I ran 11 miles this week"
"Son of a...whoa ..."
"Good gravy!"
What else is there to say, really? (Oh, did we mention that Jenny is a cancer survivor?)
Congrats, Jenny. Way to go.